Fool’s Gold (Summer Writing Battle 2023)

Here comes my favourite story of the year! For the Summer 2023 Writing Battle, we had 72 hours to write a 250 word nanofiction story. I got the genre of failed experiments, and had to incorporate the character of a charming thief and the word “daring”. For the first 24 hours, I had so many ideas running through my head but they all centered around a science-fantasy setting involving either alchemy or robotics. After getting some alpha readers’ (i.e. lovely friends’) opinions, I went with the idea that ultimately became Fool’s Gold.

The story as it appears on my blog is slightly different from what I submitted, as I edited a few words here and there for flow and grammar, but it’s largely the same as my contest entry. I managed to get into the top 4 of my genre with this one! (Writing Battle uses tournament-style judging, so I don’t have a definitive placement.) My performance notwithstanding, this piece is the one from this year that I’m the most proud of.

Cover Photo by Peter Olexa on Unsplash

Fool’s Gold

Beneath the setting sun, Alchemists gathered in the cobbled town square, drawn in by whisperings of a daring woman who had found the way to turn lead into gold. Some were excited by the prospect. Some did not want to believe that another had beaten them to it.

A small boy named Po weaved through the crowd, handing out sheets of parchment. Witness Lady Fang’s experimental transmutation technique! Developed alongside famous Western scholars.

In the middle of the commotion, Lady Fang laid a red silk cloth on top of a wooden folding table. Gracefully, she showed off a grayish lump in the palm of her slender hand. Her observers nodded.

Lady Fang gently lowered the leaden chunk into a pot of mysterious liquid. The Alchemists jostled closer, squashing Po between their bodies. They watched as the liquid bubbled and the metal began to dissolve, revealing a yellow shimmer.

With a pair of chopsticks, Lady Fang fished out the golden rock. One skeptical Alchemist swiftly snatched it up and bit down hard. Aha! It’s too hard to be real gold. The crowd sighed.

As they scattered, the Alchemists engaged in boisterous discussion, vindicated in their suspicions. It seemed Western knowledge was not so advanced after all.

Retreating to their humble ox-drawn cart, Po and Lady Fang exchanged a close-lipped smile. Nonchalantly, the boy shoved his hands in his pockets. 

The sound of jingling coins told Lady Fang what she needed to know: that they had turned lead into gold.


When I Was Governess At Christie Hall (NYCM 2023 Rhyming Story Round 1)